Thinking of redesigning your kitchen?
Interested in designer kitchens and historic homes?
The Hartford Preservation Alliance invites you to join us to tour a variety of kitchen styles and elegant dining rooms in six historic homes including:
- a Prospect Avenue mansion with a panoramic scenic view
- a 1877 Second Empire with a quaint landscaped garden
- a West End home where style meets active family living
- a West Hartford home with a perfect marriage of historic architecture and modern kitchen design
- a chef’s kitchen in one of West Hartford’s first “commuter” neighborhoods
- a one of a kind mansion with a butler’s pantry and original dining room wall treatments
Be inspired and support historic preservation efforts in Greater Hartford.
Sunday, September 16, 2018
11 AM – 4 PM
Tickets: $30 day of event
purchase at Pond House Cafe, Elizabeth Park
1555 Asylum Avenue, West Hartford