12 Things A City Needs To Do To Be Vibrant

 DSCF1268Social media is that challenge with which I grapple with daily in my quest to be relevant.  “Too much information” is my mantra as I link up to humor, rants and politics.  Yet every now and again I find a nugget like John Karras’ Resources for Vibrant Cities blog on Urbanscale.com.

I’ll admit that when I started reading through his 12 Strategies That Will Transform Your City’s Downtown, my intent was to see how few of these strategies have been embraced by Hartford.  

To my ultimate surprise and delight we score extremely well on many of the biggest strategies, including:

Envisionfest 2013

Envisionfest 2013

#2: Establish a regularly occurring public event showcasing downtown merchants, music and food
Envisionfest and First Night Hartford  (celebrating 25 years mind you).  These only name two of many events found downtown.  Take the time to see how many you can name – better yet how many do you participate in annually?

#4:  Make under-utilized public land available for private sector development
Fingers crossed on a smart master plan to repurpose the land north of I-84 – can you say professional hockey……..?

#7: Open a downtown satellite campus of a local universityHartford Times building Sep 21 2013
Hartford Has It! –  University of St. Joseph’s School of Pharmacy, RPI,  Capital Community College and UCONN’s Graduate Business Learning Center and the upcoming reuse of the Hartford Times Building for UCONN’s Hartford campus (repeat after me: “Go Huskies!”).


Bushnell Park carousel#9: Create an awesome downtown playground to make your downtown more kid-friendly and family-friendly
Bushnell Park (the oldest publicly-funded park in the nation) with its playground, antique carousel and Winterfest activities and the ever-expanding Riverfront Recapture.

Okay, you get the picture.  So my cynicism was promptly dispelled in the realization that much exists or is being planned for Hartford. 

Now I want to feel the vibe in vibrancy. Let’s celebrate everything great in Hartford and support the plans currently in the works to make it greater.

 How does historic preservation play a role in contributing to the City’s vibrancy?  As we reshape the Hartford Preservation Alliance we want your ideas –  how can HPA contribute, where can we collaborate, how can we be the best possible partner? Give us a shout out on Facebook, leave your comment below or send me an email frank@hartfordpreservation.org

Keep those cards and letters (and Facebook Likes) coming!

A Strategic Alliance: HPA & John E. Rogers

Rendering courtesy of Smith Edwards McCoy Architects

Rendering courtesy of Smith Edwards McCoy Architects

On February 4, 2014, Frank H. Hagaman, Executive Director of the Hartford Preservation Alliance (HPA) and Meryth Andrews, Chair of the Board of Directors of the John E. Rogers African American Cultural Center (JERAACC) signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on the renovation of the signature Northwest School on Albany Avenue to create a sustainable cultural center.  Both organizations will work together on what is to be a signature project to revitalize and restore this iconic Upper Albany landmark.

The project is a priority of the City of Hartford, the Connecticut Department of Economic & Community Development, the State Historic Preservation Office and the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation.  $1 million has been committed to mitigate hazardous materials and stabilize the exterior structure and the project is now poised to take critical next steps. The ground breaking for the renovation of this historic building will occur in the spring.

HPA and JERAACC have agreed to work together:

  • HPA is to provide administrative support to the project sponsor
  • Jointly work together to inform and educate on the historic significance of a treasured school
  • Work with the National Trust for Historic Preservation to create a sustainable, dynamic and economically feasible center
  • Organize and explore financial resources to create and maintain the historic building

Hartford Mayor Pedro Segarra and the city’s Department of Economic Development have been diligent in contributing time and talent towards the efforts to have this historic resource rejoin the vitality of Upper Albany Avenue.  HPA is delighted to have been asked to join the team.

Please follow our progress on www.facebook.com/hartfordpreservationalliance.

297 Fairfield Avenue: A (Potential) Solution

1 Hawthorne - a NINA restoration project

1 Hawthorne – a NINA restoration project

I last wrote about the amazingly complex and unhappy situation of the property on Fairfield Avenue.  HPA is completing a strategic plan which, when adopted and implemented, should help to solve this problem and others.  The Board of Directors has adopted a resolution to allow HPA to become the historic preservation “resource and technical assistance hub” in Hartford.  To become such we will address challenges thus:

  1. Raise the profile of why preservation matters to encourage owners to seek advice as a first step when buying or owning property in an historic district
  2. Recognize that the City of Hartford and owners of historic properties are to be our Number 1 customers
  3. Consult on historic property guidelines as published by the Historic Preservation Commission under the Historic Preservation Ordinance adopted by the City Council 
  4. Create a walk-in center where information, advice and resources are made available
  5. Establish design consultation, construction budget and project management capacity to advise on site
  6. Build a database of appropriate materials, costs, a construction calculator, where material can be purchased
  7. Create a list of contractors and sub-contractors who have experience working on historic properties
  8. Offer guidance on petitions and presentations before the Historic Preservation Commission
  9. Link financial resources which support historic preservation projects, e.g. The State Homeowner Tax Credit Program
  10. Create a revolving fund to facilitate access to funding for projects

The key is to raise the bar on historic preservation, to imbue in the City a philosophy that preservation matters and demonstrate that historic preservation improves property values. This is the mantra by which a livable community, one like ours with a tremendous historic fabric, thrives.

Your comments, questions and observations are greatly encouraged.

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297 Fairfield Avenue: Is There Anything Right With This Picture?

297 Fairfield southview

The Situation:

  • Fairfield Avenue National Historic District is established in 2011
  • Three-family is purchased in August 2013; owner looks up and down the street to determine that most all properties have been re-sided with vinyl or aluminum
  • Hires a contractor who claims to have obtained permits to replace original windows and doors and to re-side the residence – sadly not the case
  • Work begins with inexpensive materials with no thought to preserving and retaining the architectural details of the house.
  • Stop-Work order issued by the City with 1/3 of the house sided
  • Owner meets with city staff to discuss options and no agreement can be reached
  • Case brought before Hartford Historic Commission with recommendation that owner begin again and restore wood siding and replace current doors with ones which are appropriate
  • At hearing owner is required to listen, practically with hat in hand, while commission discusses their feelings on what should happen.  (Owner is literally standing during the entire lengthy discussion)
  • Commission is unable to decide what it feels best to require so denies owner any option to proceed other than restoration, the cost of which no one knows.  Owner claims to have already spent money and has no access to sufficient funds to restore exterior as desired.
  • Owner is dismissed297 Fairfield front
  • House remains in limbo with no direction on how to proceed
  • Neighborhood “on fire” about the issue

Why write about this?  Hartford Preservation Alliance was created to protect the historic fabric of the city and has done a fine job to date.  HPA is working on a new strategic plan, one which holds promise to mitigate the standoff on Fairfield Avenue.  With broad-based consensus, the plan brings relevance to historic preservation in addressing practical situations as described here.

Join us next time for 297 Fairfield Avenue: The Solution

First Night, First Year

First NightAs I stood under a truly spectacular fireworks display on First Night, it was hard not to reflect back on a great resettlement to Hartford.  Much has changed, much is stubbornly the same, yet this city remains one I love and want to be a part of for many years.  For those of us braving the cold, various delights awaited the adventuresome revelers.  Carousel rides, ice skating, hot music, the Old State House family events but the best ticket in town was The Big Game in City Hall. One giant board game of recycled materials beckoning players to advance with various instructions on how many steps to take.  Beware however because the player had to accomplish activities in order to advance.  I went to jail!  My ticket out was to sing “Amazing Grace”.  All in great fun and a clever interactive game for laughs.  Hartford is so fortunate to have the creative talent of Anne Cubberly whose imagination invites us to put away our self-consciousness.    I got the decal and picture to prove my win of the Game! 

So too it marked the anniversary of taking up the reigns of the Hartford Preservation Alliance.  We are in the midst of a strategic planning process which culminates a year of looking within and without the organization.  Historic preservation has an important role to play in community economic development.  It is not just about saving the “gems” but strategically acting in a way encourage the City to cherish what is unique as it looks to make itself a vibrant and livable place.  Hartford has an astounding historic fabric, not all of which is pretty, representing a history of innovation and technological advancement.  This is a city of workers so that not all the historic fabric is genteel.  However, the buildings and neighborhoods represent a Hartford often called the “Silicon Valley” of the 1800’s. 

HPA is known and well-regarded yet an external survey points out that we have friends and supporters who want to know about what we do.  It is my commitment to make our mission one which brings us recognition as the organization linking historic preservation to community development. We have much work to do and many directions to travel.  2014 is to be a year of promise for Hartford Preservation Alliance.  We invite you to come with us on the journey – make suggestions and comments, question us, demand us to do more, stay in touch!

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