The Hartford Preservation Alliance is pleased to provide the following downloadable publications as well as a reading list for further information on architecture, preservation, restoration and Hartford-specific topics. Books that are out of print may be found at your library, or through an inter-library loan service.
Internal Publications
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History of Domestic Architecture in Hartford Illustrated guide to residential styles of homes from 1700 to 1940. |
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Hartford Architecture Conservancy Survey Volume 1 (Downtown) by the Hartford Architecture Conservancy, 1978-1980 Available at most local libraries |
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Hartford Architecture Conservancy Survey Volume 2 (South Neighborhoods) by the Hartford Architecture Conservancy, 1978-1980 Available at most local libraries |
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Hartford Architecture Conservancy Survey Volume 3 (North and West Neighborhoods) by the Hartford Architecture Conservancy, 1978-1980 Available at most local libraries |
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List of Properties in Hartford, CT on the National Register of Historic Places Listed by Resource Name |
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List of Properties in Hartford, CT on the National Register of Historic Places Listed by Resource NameList of Properties in Hartford, CT on the National Register of Historic Places by Date ListedList of Properties in Hartford, CT on the National Register of Historic Places by Date Listed |
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List of state and national historic districts in Hartford. |
External Publications
American Architecture: A History by Leland M. Roth |
The Visual Dictionary of American Domestic Architecture by Rachel Carley. Owl Books (NY); Reprint edition (March 1, 1997) |
Conservation of Historic Buildings, Third Edition by Bernard Feilden. Architectural Press; 3 edition (July, 2003) |
Creating a New Old House: Yesterday’s Character for Today’s Home by Russell Versaci, Erik Kvalsvik |
A Field Guide to American Houses by Virginia McAlester, Lee McAlester, Juan Rodriguez-Arnaiz, Lauren Jarrett (Illustrator). Knopf (May 12, 1984) |
Great American Houses and Their Architectural Styles by Virginia McAlester, Lee McAlester, Alex McLean, A. Lee McAlester. Abbeville Press; 1st edition (October 1, 1994) |
Historic Preservation: An Introduction to Its History, Principles and Practice by Norman Tyler. W.W. Norton & Company; 2nd edition (October 1, 1999) |
Historic Preservation: Curatorial Management of the Built World by James M. Fitch. University Press of Virginia; Reprint edition (April 1, 1990) |
Historic Preservation Handbook by J. Kirk Irwin. McGraw-Hill Professional; 1 edition (November 7, 2002) |
History of Architectural Conservation by Jukka Jokilehto |
Identifying American Architecture: A Pictorial Guide to Styles and Terms: 1600-1945, by John J.G. Blumenson |
Illustrated Dictionary of Architectural Preservation by Ernest Burden. McGraw-Hill Companies; Illustrated edition (January 20, 2004) |
Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Architecture by Cyril M. Harris (Editor) |
The Preservation of Historic Architecture : The U.S. Government’s Official Guidelines for Preserving Historic Homes by Department of Interior. The Lyons Press; 1.00 edition (January 1, 2004) |
Preserving the World’s Great Cities : The Destruction and Renewal of the Historic Metropolis by Anthony Maxtung. Three Rivers Press (August 27, 2002) |
A Richer Heritage: Historic Preservation in the Twenty-First Century by Robert E. Stipe. University of North Carolina Press (June 23, 2003) |
Caring for Your Old House: A Guide for Owners and Residents(Respectful Rehabilitation Series)by Judith L. Kitchen |
Conserving Buildings: Guide to Techniques and Materials, Revised Editionby Martin E. Weaver |
Preservation Yellow Pages : The Complete Information Source for Homeowners,Communities, and Professionals(1997)by Julie Zagars (Editor) |
Renovating Old Houses: Bringing New Life to Vintage Homesby George Nash |
Victorian Hartford by Tomas J. Nenortas. 128-page book is part of Arcadia Publishing’s Postcard History Series and contains turn-of-the-century pictures drawn largely from postcards and other photographic images of the time. To order, email Tomas J. Nenortas. |
Victorian Hartford Revisited by Tomas J. Nenortas. Continues the saga of Hartford’s great economic, cultural and architectural past. This volume illustrates the tremendous growth the capital city experienced in the decades following the Civil War and how it epitomized the Gilded Age of Victorian America. To order, email Tomas J. Nenortas. |
The City of Hartford: An Illustrated History by Ellsworth Strong Grant and Marion Hepburn Grant. Connecticut Historical Society (1986). |
The Great Hartford Picture Book by Wilson H. Faude. The Donning Company (1985). |
Hartford: An Illustrated History of Connecticut’s Capital by Glenn Weaver. Windsor Publications (1982). |
Hartford: Yesterday and Today by Robert H. Arnold. Farmcliff Press, Glastonbury (1985). |
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History of Hartford Streets by F. Perry Close. Connecticut Historical Society (1969). |
Images of America: Hartford, Vol. 1 – Compiled by Wilson H. Faude. Arcadia Publishing, an imprint of Chalford Publishing (1994). |
Images of America: Hartford, Vol. 2 – Compiled by Wilson H. Faude. Arcadia Publishing, an imprint of Chalford Publishing (1995). |
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Images of America: Hartford, Vol. 3 – Compiled by Wilson H. Faude. Arcadia Publishing, an imprint of Chalford Publishing (1997). |
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Images of America: Lost Hartford – Compiled by Wilson H. Faude. Arcadia Publishing, an imprint of Tempus Publishing (2000). |
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In & About Hartford: Tours and Tales by Marion H. Grant. Connecticut Historical Society (1978). |
In & About Hartford: Its People and Places by Marion H. Grant. Connecticut Historical Society (1989). |
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Nook Farm: Mark Twain’s Hartford Circle by Kenneth R. Andrews. Harvard University Press (1950). |
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Structures and Styles: Guided Tours of Hartford Architecture by Gregory E. Andrews and David F. Ransom, with a forward by Brendan Gill. Connecticut Historical Society and the Connecticut Architecture Foundation (1988). |
Protecting the Irreplaceable Since 1997