Calling All Dwellers: Governing Is An Exciting Challenge

HUB graphic rev April 15 2014

In recent posts I have written about our new strategic plan.  It envisions how our organization will grow and make a difference in the development of Hartford.  As we see it, what becomes new is built on our amazing history. We have a rich historic fabric of Technicolor neighborhoods and communities.  Hartford is a diverse city and it is that diversity that represents how the city was built and how it will continue to grow.

HPA, as other non-profits, relies on a governing body which can guide, advise and lead as we carry out our mission – to Connect, Revitalize and Collaborate.  Our board needs to be as diverse as the city in which we work by adequately representing those who live here.  Modern historic preservation is growing as a dynamic field with a role to play in urban planning and helping to create sustainable communities.  Our strategic plan challenges us to put energy and talent into making a better, more creative city as we collaborate in building the future Hartford. We at HPA choose to be a community partner and we need help to carry the message that historic preservation matters here.

We have vacancies on our board of directors and want to reach out to those of you who wish to live, work and play here.  We want our board to be as diverse as the citizens of the city who built Hartford.  If you are a believer and want to share some of your time and talent, we would truly like to welcome your help.  For more information contact Frank Hagaman 860.920.2410 or