Compendium: Mary Falvey

Compendium: A collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject.

HPA's Mary Falvey (far right in blue jacket) leading an Envisionfest Walking Tour (2013)

HPA’s Mary Falvey (far right in blue jacket) leading an Envisionfest Walking Tour (2013)

“Hartford Preservation Alliance, this is Mary” is the telephone greeting which opens an opportunity to learn about historic property in Hartford.  At the Alliance, our Assistant Director Mary A. Falvey is our compendium, dedicated to helping those who have questions and need to find help.  Historic properties, their historic designation, history, style and type are all at Mary’s fingertips (thank goodness).  I bought a property and have discovered that it is historic, now what do I do? An owner need only to provide her with an address and Mary will open a world of knowledge to help encourage the historic preservation of Hartford’s cherished architectural fabric.

Our strategic plan adopted late in 2014 envisioned the Preservation Alliance as a partner and critical collaborator in community economic development.  Not just by suggesting what color to paint the front porch but a real comprehensive resource for information and guidance.  Our technical assistance team has been successful in providing information and support making the journey far easier.  It is Mary who helps the owner make the first step; she is the foundation upon which we help to build relationships with owners, developers and city planners.  Mary has singularly organized and arranged our website to offer information, references and resources.  It is a tremendously helpful window in which to look for preservation material.  She has linked the property owner to useful references making life easier.  By the same token, she has an encyclopedic knowledge of who and where to search for more help.  Joining us for one of Mary’s walking tours will open your eyes to the vast history of the City’s historic buildings. (BTW she is a Civil War buff and is hard at work documenting the 1,500 veterans buried in Hartford’s cemeteries and blogging about their life and times at

So, give us a call and if you are lucky, you too will be greeted by “this is Mary”.  Understand that for Mary historic preservation matters yet to the Preservation Alliance, Mary matters most to Hartford’s historic preservation.