Okay, not the catchiest title for a blog (or grammatically correct…) but you get the idea of what work needs to be accomplished by the board and staff of HPA over the next few years. Our mission statement bears witness to our new approach to preservation in Hartford:
Revitalize, Connect and Collaborate
- Revitalize the historic fabric of Hartford
- Connect us to our heritage
- Collaborate to impact community economic development
Historic preservation matters and is not isolated in an ivory tower or simply focused on the “gems”. We are required to become streetwise and a partner with a presence that is real and effective. Our vision requires us to be engaged:
We envision a thriving Hartford whose future prosperity builds on our rich heritage through our historically significant architecture, sites and neighborhoods.
In striving to achieve this vision the Hartford Preservation Alliance will:
- Be the heritage preservation hub—the place where people who live and work in Hartford go for heritage preservation technical assistance and support
- Assume a leadership role in partnering for the City’s revitalization—so that “what’s old is new” is not a cliche
- Influence and inform historic preservation’s community economic development potential—driving agenda and content
- Support compliance with the Historic Preservation Commission’s development guidelines
- Promote and create neighborhood historic districts
- Play a vital role in re-envisioning and preserving the City’s historic housing stock—and in encouraging new homeowners into the city
This is an ambitious strategic plan which requires new actions, partners, resources and community support. We invite your thoughts, comments, criticism. Our new public face through our website and Facebook page solicits feedback. Please join the conversation . . .