Housing Preservation Loan Fund
The Housing Preservation Loan Fund provides financing for the preservation of Hartford’s housing stock and the revitalization of its neighborhoods. The program is designed to help low-income and moderate-income households fix-up their properties, and support efforts to beautify and improve neighborhoods.
For further information including income requirements and loan amounts, terms and rates, visit the City of Hartford’s Housing Preservation Loan Fund website or contact Celina Caez at 860.757.9028 or email
Facade Improvement Program (Commercial Properties)
The goal of the Facade Improvement Program is to improve the storefronts of businesses on various neighborhood commercial streets and provide the impetus for further investment on these thoroughfares.
Property owners assume 10% of the architectural and constructions costs; the City assumes the balance. Eligible rehabilitation projects include: minor masonry work, storefront and doors, awnings, painting, windows, signage and lighting.
For more information visit their website and/or contact:
Deborah Davis
Facade Coordinator
City of Hartford Development Services Department
Economic Development Division
Home Improvement Loan Program
The HCLF’s Home Improvement Loan program provides loans from $5,000-$50,000 for owner-occupied and investor-owned Hartford residential properties with 1-4 units. Mixed-use properties are also eligible. Incomes of applicants cannot exceed 250% of Area Median Income (based on household size). All borrowers must be current on payment of all real estate taxes on City of Hartford properties in which he/she maintains an ownership interest.
Construction/Rehab Loan Program
The HCLF’s Construction/Rehab Loan Program provides financing for borrowers seeking to acquire and rehabilitate Hartford residential properties. Through this program, HCLF provides a construction loan for eligible properties enabling participants to borrow up to 90% of the “to-be-completed” appraised value of the property. Upon completion of rehabilitation work and adequate lease-up of units, HCLF will convert the construction loan to a permanent more
- Loan size is a minimum of $50,000 to a maximum of $500,000
- Construction portion of loan for a term of 6-12 months (may be interest only during construction); permanent mortgage term of 10 years with up to 25 year amortization
- Properties must contain at least one residential unit
- Eligible borrowers include individuals with rehab experience, qualified profit developers, and not-for-profit CDCs with property development experience
For further information on HCLF loans, visit their website at or contact Naveed Sobhan, Director of Mortgage Lending 860.296.7005 ext. 104 or Richard Staples, Construction/Rehab Lending Specialist ext. 103
Rebuilding Together Hartford, Inc., is a nonprofit, nonsectarian, volunteer organization dedicated to helping low-income homeowners through home renovation and repair. Their vision is a safe and healthy home for every person.
Once a year, on the last Saturday in April, skilled and unskilled volunteers alike join together in a unique one-day event reminiscent of the barn-raising tradition of America’s past.
For further information contact them through their website or at 860.757.9425.
Used for the restoration, rehabilitation, stabilization or acquisition of historic buildings, structures and objects as well as the investigation of archeological sites. Properties must be listed on the State and/or National Registers of Historic Places and owned by a non-profit organization [501 (c)(3) or 501(c)(13)] or a municipality. Privately-owned, federally-owned or state-owned properties are not more
- Grant awards range from $5,000-$200,000
- Grant awards must be matched one-on-one with cash (no in-kind services allowed); matching funds cannot be from the State of Connecticut (Federal funds and other non-state funds may be used)
- Facilities must be open to the public or work must be visible to the public
- Grant funds are paid to grantees on a single-payment reimbursement basis following the completion of the project and approval of all work by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)
- Project work must be consistent with the U. S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation
- A Preservation Restriction (easement) of limited duration must be placed on the property following completion of the project
For program details, view the HRF application on-line or contact Laura Mancuso, Historic Restoration Fund Grant Coordinator, HPMD, at 860.256.2757 or email at
Historic Preservation Technical Assistance Grants (HPTAG)
HPTAG is a collaborative historic preservation technical assistance program of the CT Trust for Historic Preservation, with funding from the Connecticut General Assembly, the Connecticut Humanities Council and the State Historic Preservation Office, Department of Economic & Community Development. Its purpose is to support efforts that aid Connecticut communities plan for the preservation, restoration and rehabilitation of historic places.
Incorporated 501 (c)(3) non-profit organizations and municipalities are more
- All grants are either technical assistance or preservation planning grants
- Grants must be matched one-on-one with cash or qualified in-kind; matching funds cannot be from the State of Connecticut
- Most grant awards are between $2,500 and $20,000, though smaller amounts are accepted
Direct Planning Assistance:
- Feasibility studies for re-use of a historic resource, business plans and strategic plans for resource adaptability
- Conditions Assessments; plans and specifications for the restoration/rehabilitation of a building
- Structural and engineering analysis of historic resources
- Historic Structures Reports
Organizational Development and Program Support:
- Projects or plans that strengthen the organizational structure and direction of an organization whose mission is directed to community preservation, including governance, financial management, fundraising and staffing
- Preservation projects that have potential to connect with larger/broader preservation efforts or plans in a community
- Projects or programs that add to the technical expertise of preservationists or a collaborative group
For program details, visit the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation website or contact Jane Montanaro, Preservation Services Officer, 203.562.6312 or email